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I found a new dear soul sister in Stacy Jordon. She can read my thoughts, finish my sentence, and bring to life all of the adorable characters that dwell in my head. We share the same philosophy about sending positive messages to children through our books. Thunder, Gertie, Harold, Priscilla, Big Ben, and Hettie Hedgehog give us a reason to smile and to love everyone, just the way they are.
Beverly Bruemmer, Author of "Thunder the Wonder Donkey"
I found a new dear soul sister in Stacy Jordon. She can read my thoughts, finish my sentence, and bring to life all of the adorable characters that dwell in my head. We share the same philosophy about sending positive messages to children through our books. Thunder, Gertie, Harold, Priscilla, Big Ben, and Hettie Hedgehog give us a reason to smile and to love everyone, just the way they are.
Beverly Bruemmer, Author of "Thunder the Wonder Donkey"