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Homeschool / kid's classes

I teach a Homeschool Art class from 10:00-12:00 on Wednesdays at Hobby Lobby in Douglasville. Class cost is $90 per month. We meet the first 3 Wednesdays of the month and we're always off on the 4th week. We explore many types of art. I teach ages 8 and up. My classes are designed for kids that have a love or passion for art. There's no commitment with my's a month to month sign up but most of my kids do attend for the whole school year...August-May. If you're interested in your child joining us or if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at Email: Tel: 404-405-5691




I also periodically do kid's art workshops and summer really depends on my schedule with my "Professional Art World" . We always have such a great time in our classes!

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